Our 2nd Annual State of the Ports Executive Panel had a great turn out and our panelists did a wonderful job updating us on project statuses, upcoming developments and pain points BAYTRAN can help eleviate. Port Freeport is complete with the first two phases of their deepening and widening and are on target to complete the overall project in 2025, if not earlier. Port of Galveston, the fourth largest cruise port in the US, is back in growth mode with a new cruise terminal opening on November 14 with an ‘oasis’ class cruise ship in port. And Port Houston talked about supply chain disruptions and unprecedented demand placed on a finite system of ships, trucks, terminals, and warehouses (during our covid confinement when we were all making extensive use of our Amazon prime!) Growth is back, including all the ports picking up West Coast ships that are coming to the Gulf Coast via the Panama Canal in increasingly larger numbers.
Authored by: Donna Adams, Atkins Global
BAYTRAN's Board of Directors and members would like to thank Roger Guenther, Rodger Rees and Rob Lowe for providing very valuable information on the State of their respective Ports.
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